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Why we plant trees with every order?

Written By nasrin sadeghi

Trees are one of the most important key elements for human and environment. They help clearing water, air and creating better life for all species. Trees are magical beauties that improving our soils and climate.


  They help clearing water, air and creating better life  for all species. Trees are magical beauties that improving our soils and climate.Trees Help with oxygen production and act as lungs of the planet. Yes! Trees produce oxygen. They absorb CO2 and other harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and ozone.Trees cool the air by providing shade and by a process called transpiration cooling. Natural forests acting as carbon sinks and capture CO2. Trees are so powerful for healing mental health. Our absolute warriors to unwind and connect. Connect with ourself and with our environment.

Trees are homes! Trees and forests support all type of small to large mammals and is a roof above their head, its their home ! Did you know hundreds of species a day could go extinct from the loss of closed tropical rainforests? :( 
Trees protect soil! Trees protect soil by make soil less vulnerable to erosion. Tree roots help to increase porosity in the subsoil and help loosen the topsoil.For every item you purchase we will plant a tree.We are so honoured to be partner with Tree-Nation